Time: Apr 1, 2020 07:00 PM https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9249173205 Meeting ID: 924 917 3205 Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 +1 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 924 917 3205 Find your local number: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/flQ1mFGoH
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Waukomis Public Schools has a Board Meeting scheduled for this evening. We ask that all patrons please stay home and join the meeting via teleconference per CDC regulations. The following message will have the information to join the meeting.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Distance Learning Plan for Waukomis Middle and Elementary School Waukomis Middle and Elementary School will begin our Distance Learning Plan on Monday, April 6. We will offer two different plans: an online curriculum plan or a curriculum packet. Students and parents will be contacted by a teacher to inform you about each teachers online learning education to be offered. We understand that online education is not an option for all students so we have created an option that would accommodate for all Middle School and Elementary students. Every student from Pre-K to 8th grades will be offered a curriculum packet that can be picked up in front of the elementary on Monday, April 6 from 8:00-12:00. All you have to do is drive up and tell a staff member what grade your child is in and they will bring the packet to your car. Curriculum packets will contain two weeks of work. On April 20, from 8:00-12:00, you would bring back the packet and pick up a new one. You can have another party pick up your packet just call the school. We realize this is a very stressful time, and distance learning is not an ideal situation for our students. However, I feel the parental support from our parents will overcome these circumstances. We love and miss your children very much. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Thank You Allen Hicks 580-541-4866 580-758-3264
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Below is the information to join the meeting. Mar 30, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9249173205 Meeting ID: 924 917 3205 Dial by your location 1 253 215 8782 US 1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 924 917 3205 : https://us04web.zoom.us/u/flQ1mFGoH
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Waukomis Public Schools has a Special Board Meeting scheduled for this evening. We ask that all patrons please stay home and join the meeting via teleconference per CDC regulations. The following message will have the information to join the meeting.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Dear Parent: Our community, state, and nation are facing unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. Life has changed for everyone and we are all working together to deal with these changes. Disruption and change are hard for everyone but can be especially difficult for children. It is Waukomis Public Schools’ goal to not only provide essential learning opportunities for your children, but also provide structure and routine surrounding those learning moments. We know there will be challenges to overcome, but we are looking forward to working alongside you in overcoming these challenges and provide your child/children a loving and caring continuous learning experience. You may be wondering how we will do it? First of all, we will find out what technology and support you have at home. Then, we will provide whatever support we can add. If technology is not available, we will provide learning packets and guidance over the phone. Your child’s teacher is working hard to meet not only your child’s educational needs, but all of the children under his/her care. It is very important to us that every child receives the same learning opportunities, so whether the instruction is given through the internet, through textbook instruction, paper packets, or by phone, it is our desire to keep students safe while providing learning opportunities that are both equal and worthwhile. This is new for all of us, so we sincerely ask for your feedback and help as we complete these final weeks of school. If you have questions at any time about our plans, please email myself, Matt Cue, or Allen Hicks at shawntennyson@waukomis.k12.ok.us, mattcue@waukomis.k12.ok.us, or allenhicks@waukomis.k12.ok.us. Sincerely, Shawn Tennyson Superintendent Waukomis Public Schools
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Waukomis teacher parade tomorrow at 10:30!
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
We will still offer the delivery service during the free breakfast and lunch program.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Great news! We will start serving hot lunches on Monday 30th. We will have to adjust our lunch and breakfast pickup time to 10-11:30 starting on Monday. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Senior Ads for Yearbook: We still want your senior ads in our yearbook. If you wish to purchase a senior ad, we can accept photos and text through e-mail. E-mail scanned photos and senior photos to jasondykstra@waukomis.k12.ok.us. Payment will have to be mailed to the school at P.O. Box 729, Waukomis, OK 73773. With the uncertainty of our current situation, we prefer that content be delivered to us digitally. We don't know how we can return photos in paper form to their rightful owners.
over 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
Senior Ads
YEARBOOK UPDATE: As we all adapt to change, one thing that remains constant is the yearbook tradition of documenting the history of our students and capturing their school year forever. We are pleased to announce that the Waukomis High School yearbook adviser and staff are working hard to complete the yearbook and make sure it is printed. Since copies of the yearbook are limited and school buildings have closed, we ask that you please order your yearbook online as soon as possible at https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1046701/Waukomis-High-School/2020-Yearbook/2020011604153758351/CATALOG_SHOP/ If ordering online is not an option, please refer to the WAUKOMIS YEARBOOK Facebook page for info.
over 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
WAUKOMIS YEARBOOK NEEDS PHOTOS: We need your help gathering photos to complete our yearbook. We are asking you to send us your printable photos to document what your kids are doing while we all shelter for safety, photos from the school year, photos from field trips, or photos from activities. We NEED pictures from spring activities that had games prior to spring break. Specifically, we need baseball, high school slow pitch, and middle school slow pitch photos. We have NO action photos of these sports, nor group photos of the teams. PLEASE, submit your photos from phones or cameras online at https://www.replayit.com/#/mosaic or on the ReplayIt app, which can be downloaded from the app store. You can also e-mail photos in "actual size" format to jasondykstra@waukomis.k12.ok.us. Please share this with whoever you know who may have photos so that we can make sure that these sports are represented in our book.
over 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
If you have not completed the survey yet, please put all your children's names (all in your household) under student name. If you have already completed, do not worry about it. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Matt Cue
Please fill out the following survey in reference to our future distant learning/internet availability. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmC0oP41okFu1nMepxFM3wTdgnX_ET8oqr6xIyf36iui1V7w/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Matt Cue
March 25 Dear Waukomis family: Today, we learned that Oklahoma students will not return to the classroom for the remainder of the current school year, following a vote by the state Board of Education. Instead, districts, including Waukomis, will implement continuous learning plans that will allow students to complete the school year at home. State education and health officials believe this move will help our state fight the spread of COVID-19. We are sharing this information with you now so you can prepare accordingly for your family. We understand this change is in the best interest of everyone’s health, which is our greatest priority as a district. The state board’s vote also means that all extracurricular activities and special events will be canceled or postponed as well. Making these difficult decisions, we believe, is simply the right thing to do for our students, our staff and our community. We do have good news: Waukomis is developing a plan to ensure your child will continue to have opportunities to learn and to grow academically, especially with parental support. Because we are unable to safely gather together, these lessons and activities will primarily be delivered and communicated in the best possible ways. As you can imagine, this is a significant transition for our students and our teachers. Waukomis will spend the next week planning for this effort and will share details with your family as soon as they are available. Thank you to all the teachers that have already began preparing unique and creative opportunities to communicate with their students. Teachers will be meeting with their building principals in the near future to discuss further possibilities and create a continuous education plan for the students of Waukomis. For students, it likely will be sad and disappointing to receive confirmation that school as they know it will not resume this year. Please give them a safe place to express their feelings and to vent about the changes in their life. For our seniors and their parents, we know it is an especially difficult time. We will do everything possible to ensure their efforts are recognized and celebrated in special and unique ways. This is an unfair situation, but please reassure them that it does not diminish their achievements. In fact, it will become one more example of how they demonstrated their strength as Chiefs. We have posted numerous resources on our website, including information about free breakfasts and lunches for students under the age of 18, which will continue, as well as answers to frequently asked questions regarding the school closure. You can find these details and more by visiting www.waukomis.k12.ok.us. The site also includes recommendations from the CDC about protecting your health and the health of your loved ones. We ask you to please follow their advice by: (1) washing your hands regularly; (2) staying at home, if you can; and (3) practicing social distancing of at least six feet from others. This is an unprecedented situation, and it has required an unprecedented response. We can still take care of Waukomis students, though. This is a community that sticks together in challenging times, and we know this experience will be no different. As soon as we identify our next steps, we will share them with you. Please stay safe. As always, we appreciate your support of Waukomis Public Schools. Sincerely, Shawn Tennyson Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Parents please take advantage of the FREE breakfast and lunch program being offered right now. Just call Marisa at 580-260-0211. Leave a message including how many lunches you will need and your address. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Due to the number restrictions during this COVID-19 pandemic, we are asking all stakeholders who would like to attend the March 20th Special Board Meeting at 5:30 pm to attend via zoom. The web address is https://zoom.us/j/804541545, the meeting ID: 804541545. Thank you for your understanding during this time.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
If you would like to just leave Marisa a message with your information such as name,address, and how many grab and go lunches you need to be delivered that is fine.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Waukomis school will be offering a delivery service for those that can’t pick up the Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunch at school. Please call Marisa at 580-260-0211 to make arrangements. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
The Grab and Go lunch program also offers breakfast!!
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks