Congratulations to Kenna Harmon, Taylor Moody, and Morgan Shaw for making the 2020 Fast Pitch All Skeltur Team and Cambrie Gilliland as a honorable mention! Also congratulations to Kenna Harmon and Morgan Shaw for making the Tri-County All Star Team! Great Job Ladies!!
Congratulations to the Waukomis Band! Receiving superior ratings at the Tri-State marching contest tonight in Enid. Awesome job Mr Newman and the pride of Waukomis Marching Band! Keep setting the bar high!
Please click on the link to learn information about the upcoming elementary carnival.
The virtual day for October 9th has been cancelled. Students will need to attend school on this day. Thank you!
Mini cheer clinic will be today from 3:30-5:30 in the elementary.
Elementary parents please click on the link to watch a video update from the principal.
Super Chiefs for the month of September!!
Please click on the link for information regarding the Elementary Book Fair.
Come out and watch our band perform tonight at 6:15 on the Enid High football field.
Parents, Blue and Gold will be delivered tomorrow. If your child is in FFA, please make arrangements to pick up after school. DJ's deliveries has been postponed. If you are not able to pickup immediately after school, please contact the high school to make arrangements. 580-758-3245. Thank you!
Chief Fans! Here is the link to the program for tonight's game versus Garber! You can also find QR codes around the stands to access the program tonight! If you would like to place an ad in the program, contact any student council member or email Let's go Chiefs!
5/6 and JH football tonight in Waukomis against Garber at 5:30.
Mini cheer information
Click on the link for 5/6 and JH basketball schedules for the upcoming year.
Parents don’t forget tomorrow is a virtual day. Students will work from home. JH and HS students will log on to google meets.
1. 10:00-10:20
2. 10:30-10:50
3. 11:00-11:20
4. 11:30-11:50
5. 12:30-12:50
6. 1:00-1:20
7. 1:30-1:50
Students don’t need to login for athletics or band. Thank you!
October lunch and breakfast menu
Mr. Bingham’s bus route is running a little behind this morning but we will be there to pick up the kids.
High School Regional Softball Tournament
Please click on the link to learn more about our upcoming Elementary Book Fair. Thank You
The 5/6 grade football game for tomorrow at Cherokee has been canceled due to Cherokee not having enough players. The 7/8 grade game will still be played at 5:30.