Parents we are handing out new curriculum packets for Pre-K through 8th grades on Monday 20th in front of the elementary from 8:00-12:00. Please return your previous assignments when you pick up your new packet. You do not need this packet if your child is doing online curriculum. Also, we will hand out yearbook order forms. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Parents please make sure your child’s lunch bill is paid up. If you need to make arrangements contact Marisa at school. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Middle School students that need to clean out their school lockers, gym lockers, or meet with Mr. Newman to turn in candy or candy money please come up to school on Tuesday 21st from 8:00-12:00.
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Parents we are handing out new curriculum packets for Pre-K through 8th grades on Monday 20th in front of the elementary from 8:00-12:00. Please return your previous assignments when you pick up your new packet. You do not need this packet if your child is doing online curriculum. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
BUY YOUR 2020 YEARBOOK TODAY!!! Yearbook sales are open until May 8th. You may purchase online at If you purchase in person, please mail your order form to Waukomis Yearbook, P.O. Box 729, Waukomis, OK. 73773. Order forms should be available there. Online and mail works best for everyone involved. Remember to social distance and wear personal protective equipment to protect yourself and others.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Dykstra
Yearbook Order Form
7/8 graders can come clean out their lockers until 12:00 today
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Just a reminder that we are not in school on Friday 10th and Monday 13th therefore we will not be serving lunches and breakfast on these days. The lunch and breakfast program will resume Tuesday 14th at regular times. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
4th,7th, and 8th grades can come clean out their lockers today until 12:00
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Mr. Newman has said that band students do not need to turn in their instruments and he is going to be mailing out music sheets so students can continue to practice
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Waukomis Schools has a Special Board Meeting for this Thursday evening at 5:00. We ask that all patrons please stay home and join the meeting via teleconference per CDC regulations. Password: 043660
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Waukomis FFA Plant Sale: Located at FFA Greenhouse (Behind ag building) Friday, April 10th 9am-1pm Saturday, April 11th 9am-1pm 4"Square pots - $2 (Sweet Potato Vine, Sun Patiens, New Guinea Impatiens, Lantana) 6" Round Pots - $4 (Succulents, Dracena-Spikes, Geraniums) 6 Pack Bedding -$4(Vinca Cora, Moss, Wax Begonia, Impatiens, Marigolds, Petunias) Hanging Baskets -$12
almost 5 years ago, Matt Cue
Here is a great idea from the yearbook adviser at Alva High School that I would like to see our kids do. VIRTUAL PROM (Please Share) Even though the pandemic has everything shut down, the Prom Pages for Waukomis High School Yearbook have to be completed! Girls - put on the dress you so carefully picked out and fix your hair and make-up! Guys - dress up as nice as you can - no tux necessary. Have someone take your picture and send it in so we can fill those pages! Remain socially distanced and no congregating in groups. If you share with me who your date would have been, I will pair up those photos. Help us make the 2020 yearbook one to remember. E-MAIL PICTURES TO:
almost 5 years ago, Jason Dykstra
4th graders need to come clean out lockers on Thursday 9th from 8:00-12:00
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Don’t forget 5th and 6th graders can come clean out their lockers on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00-12:00. Please bring back any books that belong to the school. Enter through the Middle School doors on the west end. Remember we can only let a few students in at a time. Also, Mr. Newman will be in the band room on Tuesday to check in and check out instruments.
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Waukomis Yearbook would love to see your “first day of school” distance education photos. Take a pic of your children working at home and send to
almost 5 years ago, Jason Dykstra
2nd first day
Any JH baseball or softball players that need to turn in uniforms can do so when they come up to clean out their lockers. Also, Mr. Newman will be at the band room on Tuesday to check in and out instruments from 8:00-12:00. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Please return any books that may belong to the Elementary or Middle school if you are picking up a packet tomorrow. Also, Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th I’m allowing 5th and 6th grade students an opportunity to come clean out their lockers from 8:00-12:00. 7th and 8th graders can come up on Thursday and Friday to clean their lockers out from 8:00-12:00. We can only have a few students in the building at a time. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Distance Learning Plan for Waukomis Middle and Elementary School Waukomis Middle and Elementary School will begin our Distance Learning Plan on Monday, April 6. We will offer two different plans: an online curriculum plan or a curriculum packet. Students and parents will be contacted by a teacher to inform you about each teachers online learning education to be offered. We understand that online education is not an option for all students so we have created an option that would accommodate for all Middle School and Elementary students. Every student from Pre-K to 8th grades will be offered a curriculum packet that can be picked up in front of the elementary on Monday, April 6 from 8:00-12:00. All you have to do is drive up and tell a staff member what grade your child is in and they will bring the packet to your car. Curriculum packets will contain two weeks of work. On April 20, from 8:00-12:00, you would bring back the packet and pick up a new one. You can have another party pick up your packet just call the school. We realize this is a very stressful time, and distance learning is not an ideal situation for our students. However, I feel the parental support from our parents will overcome these circumstances. We love and miss your children very much. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Thank You Allen Hicks 580-541-4866 580-758-3264
almost 5 years ago, Allen Hicks
Dear parents: During this unfamiliar times, it is important that we keep the communication lines open. Our teachers have been working diligently to piece together a proper curriculum for your child. This will kick off Monday April 6th. Administrators are also working end of the year events including graduation. Administration as well as the Waukomis Board of Education is in full support of honoring our seniors in the best way can. Please be patient during this time. As we gather more information we will pass it along to you.
almost 5 years ago, Matt Cue
Time: Apr 1, 2020 07:00 PM Meeting ID: 924 917 3205 Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 +1 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 924 917 3205 Find your local number:
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Tennyson