Special School Board meeting open to the public on Wednesday 17th at 7:00.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Open gym again tomorrow from 10-12 for all basketball players.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
The deadline to submit the yearbook for production is June 15th. Yearbook still needs a few seniors’ baby and senior photos for our then vs. now spread. Several senior parents have expressed interest in parent letters, which are senior recognition ads. Money must be submitted before the deadline on the 15th for those to be included in the book. The book personalization deadline has passed, so I can no longer submit names or icons with yearbook orders.
over 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
Mark Timberlake
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
There will be open gym tomorrow for basketball players from 10-12. Must take your temperature before you can enter the gym.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
8th grade graduation will begin at 4:00 today. Doors will open at 3:30. HS graduation will begin at 6:30. We will have to clear the gym out after JH graduation. Try to stay as cooled off as you can because we will be having temperature checks before you enter the gym. Also make sure you have a ticket upon entrance. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Here are the instructions on how to tune into Waukomis High School and JH Graduation Navigate to nfhsnetwork.com and create an account. The account setup is free and you will not be required to subscribe to view this graduation event. Once your account is set up and you're logged in, click on the following link: http://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/waukomis-high-school-waukomis-ok/evtd663095a2b You should now be able to view the stream with your account that you've just set up. If you wish to have a copy of this event, wait for the stream to be over. There will be a 'Buy DVD Copy' button below the web player once the stream has finished. Click on that, and it will take you through the checkout process and deliver a copy of the VOD to you.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
JH and HS graduations have been moved to inside the gym on Friday 5th due to the heat outside. JH graduation will begin at 4:00 and HS will begin at 6:30. Each graduate will receive 20 tickets to distribute between family members and friends. You will need a ticket upon entry at graduation. If you do not have a family member graduating but are still wanting to attend please contact the elementary and HS offices to get a ticket. Also every person will have their temperatures taken at the door. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
8th grade will have graduation practice on Thursday 4th at 5:00. It will either be on the football field or in the gym. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Waukomis Schools has a Board meeting for June 3 at 7:00 pm. We ask that all patrons please stay home and join the meeting via teleconference per CDC regulations. Register for meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pcOGvqzgoGNXuE5gQylxj4gj58JnLLuk7
over 4 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
We have finally got the approval and the proper restrictions lifted to celebrate graduation. Our Graduation will be Friday June 5th. 8th grade graduation will be at 4:00 PM and the senior graduation will be at 6:30 PM on the football field. We had to move it outside to accommodate the number of people expected to come. Please bring your own chairs. We will put the graduates in the stands and families will be spread out (social distance) on the football field.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Thursday May 21st, the High School will be handing out Report Cards, Sports Awards, Honor Roll, & Class Certificates from 8:00am-12:00pm. ALL students must bring their Chromebooks & chargers to check in & any textbooks, uniforms, money owed, etc before their report cards & awards will be released. If you need to make other arrangements please call the high school office.
over 4 years ago, Matt Cue
We will hand out the corrected middle school report cards tomorrow, Thursday the 21st, from 8-12 in front of the elementary.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Congratulations to the 2020-21 Waukomis Cheer Squads!
over 4 years ago, Matt Cue
Cheer Results
WES Cheer Results
WJH Cheer Results
Waukomis Yearbook still needs content: 2020 grad baby photos, Senior photos, Cap and Gown photos, Prom attire photos, Senior Goodbyes, and URGENT NEED for Middle School Softball photos (Fall or Spring)
over 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
Middle school report cards have been corrected and can be picked up in the elementary office from 8:00-12:00 on Thursday 21st. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Mr. Newman will be up at the school tomorrow from 10:00-12:00 to hand out band awards.
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Congratulations to Riley Jones and Alexis McNeill for being named 2020 Slow Pitch Academic All State!!!
over 4 years ago, Matt Cue
Elementary students can come pick up report cards and awards tomorrow from 8:00-12:00 in the elementary office. Middle school students can come pickup their awards but we are still fixing their report cards. Only one person in the office at a time please. This would be a great time to pay lunch bills and library fines. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
There was an error with our online gradebook system with middle school report cards. We are working to correct the problem as soon as possible. We will send them out quickly. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Allen Hicks