Parents-If you are wanting your child to go from in-person learning to virtual learning for the spring semester, please contact Mr. Hicks for PK-6th or Mr. Cue for 7th-12th grades for more information. We will need to know by Thursday, December 17, if you choose this option, in order to make arrangements.
Due to an outbreak of COVID-19 cases in Pond-Creek, the PCH basketball tournament has been canceled. Waukomis will host Kremlin on Thursday December 10th with JV boys starting at 5:15 PM and Varsity following at 6:30 PM. Please come support your Chiefs!
Board Seat #1 Information
Hello Chief Fans!
Here is the link to the program for tonight's game versus Okeene! You can also find QR codes around the lobby to access the program tonight! If you would like to place an ad in the program, contact any student council member or email Let's go Chiefs!
The head country ribs will be in tomorrow for pickup.
HS basketball tournament at PC-H this week.
5/6 and JH basketball tonight in Waukomis against Okeene. Games start at 4:30.
HS basketball tonight at Covington-Douglas. Girls game starts at 6:30. We will have a JV boys game at 5:15.
Super Chiefs eating lunch at Mo’s Place!
Parents below are the Covington-Douglas Schools protocols for the basketball game Friday December 4th, 2020. If you have any questions please contact our office. Thank you!
Covington-Douglas Public Schools
COVID-19 Protocols for Basketball Season
✱For the safety of everyone in attendance, we ask that anyone feeling ill, running a fever, or having symptoms associated with Covid-19 NOT attend games.
Social distancing is strongly encouraged.
Masks are strongly encouraged.
Front rows behind the benches will be unavailable for seating.
Temperatures will be self-checked at the door using the Temperature Screening Terminal.
Concession stand will be open to the public. Please social distance in line.
To help in limiting attendance and reducing exposure, we will be live streaming ALL High School Basketball games and 5th-8th grade home games.
Visit to view live games and also access previous games by clicking on video archives.
Protocols to follow for tomorrow nights HS basketball game against Covington-Douglas.
5/6 and 7/8 basketball at Garber today. 5/6 girls start at 4:30.
Just a reminder that the elementary food drive will end this Friday.
The JH quiz bowl scheduled for tomorrow at Covington has been postponed.
Super Chiefs for the month of November!!
HS basketball tonight at Dover. Girls start at 6:30
Unfortunately, WPS has one positive COVID case in the high school. We have started contact tracing. If you do not receive a phone call your child does not have to quarantine. Thank you.
Christmas program December 6th at 2:30 for PreK-4th grades.
Rib orders are due tomorrow December 1st.
Picture Retake Day, December 1st! Packets will be available in the elementary and high school offices. See the Waukomis Yearbook Facebook page for more information.