HS basketball tonight in Waukomis. It’s senior night which will begin at 5:45. Girls game will begin at 6:30. We will also have little cheer and coaches v cancer night. Wear your pink!
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Yearbook order forms were passed out to students in Pre-K through 12 the week of January 11-15 to take home. Online yearbook sales are also up and running at the link below: Jostens E-commerce Sales Link - http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A06955700 Yearbook would like to thank the 15 patrons who have already ordered. Thank you for supporting our program. We greatly appreciate it.
about 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
Senior Parents: Yearbook is offering recognition ads for seniors who are graduating this year. An e-mail was sent out to all senior parents showing which ad formats are available and detailing the pricing. If you would like to submit a message and some photos, please contact Mr. Dykstra at jasondykstra@waukomis.k12.ok.us. Recognition ad prices are discounted slightly from the business ad prices to $30 for 1/8-page, $50 for 1/4-page, $90 for 1/2-page, or $170 for full-page. Ad layout options and an order form are included in the PDF I attached to the e-mails I sent out on January 12th. Keep up with yearbook news on our Facebook page: Waukomis Yearbook.
about 4 years ago, Jason Dykstra
The HS boys basketball game scheduled against PCH next Tuesday 9th has been canceled due to a Covid outbreak in PCH.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Congratulations to Cooper Wieden signing with UCO today! We are all so proud of you!
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Little cheer today from 3:30-5:30 in the elementary.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
HS basketball tonight at Ringwood. JV boys at 5:15. Varsity girls at 6:30. You will need a ticket to enter the games.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Chief nation has lost a teaching legend. Thank you Mrs. Witt for everything you have done for our school and community. You will be deeply missed.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
These are the protocols for tomorrow nights HS basketball game with Ringwood. Each participant will receive four tickets to distribute. You must have a ticket to enter the game.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Lunch and breakfast menu for February
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Please click on the link for the HS Girls basketball playoff bracket. http://www.ossaa.net/docs/2020-21/Basketball/BK_2020-21_AGArea1.pdf?id=53
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Please click on the link for the HS Boys basketball playoff bracket. http://www.ossaa.net/docs/2020-21/Basketball/BK_2020-21_ABArea1.pdf?id=53
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Can’t make it to the meeting. We’ve got you covered. We will be streaming on Facebook live. Just go to the Waukomis Public Schools on Facebook to get the information you need.
about 4 years ago, Kelly Husted-Superintendent
Just a reminder about our community bond meeting today at 2:00 in the gym.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Just a reminder that tonight’s HS basketball games against Billings have been canceled due to a Covid outbreak in Billings.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
Unfortunately, we’ve had another positive case of Covid-19 in the elementary. You will receive notification from a school official if your child needs to quarantine. Please keep your child home if he/she isn’t feeling well.
about 4 years ago, Kelly Husted-Superintendent
Please click on the link for bond information including:pictures,cost analysis for taxpayers, blueprints, and a complete breakdown of everything included in the bond. Thank You! https://www.waukomis.k12.ok.us/
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
We will have a community bond meeting this Sunday 31st in the gym at 2:00. Please social distance and masks are strongly encouraged.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
JH Skeltur basketball tournament continues today at Garber. Boys play at 5:00 and the girls play at 6:10.
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks
JH Skeltur tournament continues tonight in Garber. Girls play at 6:50 and the boys play at 8:00
about 4 years ago, Allen Hicks